
Have you started work as a freelancer but haven't filed your taxes by yourself before? Learn how an accountant can help handle your finances.

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The Importance of Using An Accountant

When I started working from home as a freelance contractor, I knew that I was going to need to figure out how to file my taxes. I started paying close attention to my expenditures, and I decided to work with a professional to do my taxes. I was really happy that I had decided to work with a professional after filing for the first time. My accountant helped me to write off some of my expenses, and it was great to see how much I was able to save. This blog is all about the importance of using a professional accountant, and how it can help you.


How The Wash Sale Rule Can Affect Your Capital Gains Taxes

2 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Day traders and long-term stockholders alike can benefit from claiming capital losses on their tax returns, since claiming a capital loss can offset taxes incurred on capital gains. This can often make the sting of a capital loss a bit less and can put more of your capital gains money back in your pocket. However, it's not always this easy, since the US tax code keeps people from abusing this quasi-loophole via the Wash Sale Rule. Read More …

Crafty Books – A 5-Step Guide To Accounting For Your Crafting Business

25 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Turning your craft skills from a hobby into a viable small home business is a busy, exciting adventure. But amidst the half-done projects, searching for customers and learning the ins and outs of the market, it's important to pay some attention to setting up and keeping your business books. Here is a handy 5-step guide to getting it right from the start. Separate Expenses. It's hard enough to make a profit and track your numbers without making things needlessly complicated. Read More …

Freelancing Writing Taxes: What You Need To Know

12 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If your primary income comes from freelance writing gigs, you might be confused about how to report your income when preparing your taxes. Here are some things you need to know about freelance taxes and how to report them accurately, while also saving as much as you can on your tax return.  Tax Forms During the year, you should keep records of each payment your receive and the payment method you receive it through. Read More …

Easy Payroll Set-Up Tips

30 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your business has gotten off the ground and you've finally been able to hire some paid employees, but before they can begin working you need to set up a payroll system that will work for your needs as well as theirs. When it comes to payroll, there are some simple things you need to remember in order to create an easy-to-process system that will keep everyone happy while streamlining your business. Read More …